Sticky Notes and Paper Towels

When you walk in our house, don’t be surprised when you see sticky notes everywhere. They’re in our kitchen, on our mirrors…spontaneously scattered throughout. Sometimes I’ll find them on the ground, pick them up, and stick them back where they were before. All of them with the messy font of my husband, they are one of my favorite things. They are often scriptures, words spoken over us, compliments, encouragement, and cheesy (really cheesy) jokes. 

“...If you plant the good seeds of Spirit-life you will reap beautiful fruits that grow from the everlasting life of the Spirit. And don’t allow yourselves to be weary in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!”. 
— Galatians 6:8-9 TPT

The sticky notes in our house might not seem like alot at first glance, but they are seeds. The love of God is scribed on each one of them, and when they are stuck somewhere, the atmosphere of our house suddenly becomes a little sweeter. 

We reap a beautiful house filled with laughter and joy because of the words we sow daily. 

Before my husband goes to work, I typically pack his snacks. Being the spontaneous creative I am, I often rip off a paper towel and grab a sharpie. I take a couple minutes to draw and write something that would encourage him in his faith. Upon finishing, I sneak the paper towel into his snack box and await to hear about it later in the day. 

Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out…
— Hebrews 10:24 MSG

We can be creative, or what the Message Translation reads as “inventive”, in the way we encourage one another. It’s not just the words that we sow that are special, but also the way in which we sow them. 

For us, it’s sticky notes and paper towels. 

As a stationery business owner, it is my heart to make greeting cards that would give people the opportunity to sow their own seeds. That’s why all my cards are entirely blank inside, for I feel that fabricated words don’t yield a harvest like authentic ones. 

For me, harvest time is seeing the person you love flourish in their faith, simply because of the words you planted. 


Burnt Toast